A recent study of New Zealand gamblers has just shown that races such as horse racing and the lottery are not their favorite pastime. The players have a preference for casino games and sports betting.
The Results Of This Study In Detail
This study is the result of research from Auckland University of Technology. It involved 6,250 people. After interviewing these people, more than 80% admitted to having played gambling games. Also according to this study, most people who have gambled for money find it difficult to admit what they did because it is still a sensitive subject in society today and that it is still a taboo practice.
The games of casinos and sports betting are the entertainment that is the most chosen by the players. Scratch games have been abandoned like horse racing. Also according to the results of this study, players often choose to play only one game for the majority of them. Very few choose to play several games at the same time and on a regular basis.
Gambling Issues Are Still Present
As long as there is gambling, the risk of addiction is always present. These games which are more and more present in the entertainment of the population have become main activities for a party. Indeed, certain categories of people present more risks such as players who have not attended schools long enough or the unemployed. They see them as being fairly easy sources of money and also making it possible to earn a large amount of money with little effort.
The players of the Pacific or of the Maoris are very concerned by this problem, because they have a fairly high average in terms of attendance at establishments that offer gambling. If we look back, in the 90s so far the practice of gambling has seen a decline, but this does not mean that people at risk have disappeared, on the contrary more and more people tend to plunge. in games.
This problem still persists until today, and it is still quite difficult to give exact figures. Max Abbot, a professor who contributed to this study, does not hide his concern about this too small change of players in the face of addiction.